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Declaration of independence of the nation of Biafra  click here

Ganymede Movies LLP click here

Swedish pilots in Biafra click here

The Red Baron click here

Count Carl von Rosen click here

General Ojukwu interview
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Who is Captain Okpe? click here

The Last Flight  click here

Bombing for Biafra, plane movies and background information click here

Nigerian Lawyers Association click here

Ambassador Robin Renee Sanders click here

Igbos in flight click here

Bracket click here

Memorial in the New York Igbo Community Center for General Odumegwu-Ojukwu click here

Celebrating Lincoln University click here

Biafra click here

Father Kieran click here

Major General Madiebo click here
As I have discovered by reading books written about that time, and by talking with August Okpe: Count von Rosen took upon himself the task of revitalizing the Biafran Airforce, with the approval of General Ojukwu.

Count von Rosen did this by procuring 5 small planes fitted for bombing, bringing 2 Swedish pilots (Gunnar Haglund and Martin Lawrence) and working with 2 Biafran pilots, August Okpe and Willy Bruce.

After the first bombing raid, on May 22, 1969, August Okpe was the only Biafran pilot left. He flew the small planes, mostly as a single plane, although occasionally with another 1 or 2 Biafran pilots, right up until hostilities ceased on Jan 12, 1970.

Count Carl Gustav von Rosen

Count Carl Gustaf Ericsson von Rosen (Aug 19, 1909 – Jul 13, 1977) was a Swedish pioneer aviator. He flew relief missions in a number of conflicts as well as combat missions for Finland (whose first military aircraft his father donated 1918) and Biafra. His flights for the Biafra were notable for using the small Malmo MFI-9 in a ground attack role.


Von Rosen was born in Helgesta, Flen Municipality, Södermanland, Sweden son of the explorer Eric von Rosen (1879–1948) and nephew of Carin Göring, wife of German pilot and Air Marshal Hermann Göring.


He was interested in mechanics at an early age and became fascinated by flying machines, partly through the influence of Hermann Göring, who was an ace during World War I, head of the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) in Nazi Germany, and was the first Nazi tried in the Nuremberg War trials.

Von Rosen's own flying career started as a mechanic and then pilot in a traveling aerial circus, where he became a skilled aerobatic pilot, which served him well later in life.


Second Italo-Abyssinian War: When the Italians under Benito Mussolini attacked the independent empire of Ethiopia, von Rosen joined a relief mission, flying food and supplies for the Red Cross. He also repeatedly flew casualties from the battlefield under extremely dangerous conditions. This activity resulted in him receiving mustard gas burns due to the use of the gas by the Italian forces.


Second World War: After his return from the war in Ethiopia, he went to the Netherlands to join KLM, the first public airline in the world, and became one of their foremost pilots. He married a Dutch woman, from whom he was separated at the outbreak of World War II.

When the Russians tried to invade Finland 1939 in the Winter War, von Rosen quit his job to fly bombing missions for the Finns. He purchased a KLM Douglas DC-2, had it converted to a bomber in Sweden, and made one operational mission in March 1940 against the Soviet Union with it.

Later in 1940, as the Germans attacked the Netherlands, von Rosen went to England and applied for service with the RAF but was turned down, on account of his family relation to Hermann Göring. Von Rosen's Dutch wife joined the resistance and was killed during the war, while he continued flying for KLM on the dangerous London-Lisbon route.


Post war: Between 1945 and 1956 von Rosen worked in Ethiopia as an instructor for the Imperial Ethiopian Air Force. Despite his service to Ethiopia, intrigues against him, particularly by his assistant Assefa Ayene, made working conditions for him so frustrating he eventually returned to Sweden. Afterwards von Rosen served as the pilot for the second Secretary-General of the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjöld. However, von Rosen was grounded by illness when Hammarskjöld was killed in an air crash while mediating in the Congo Crisis.


Biafran War: Von Rosen gained international fame 7 years later when he flew relief missions for aid organizations into war-torn Biafra. These fights included flying a DC-7 from São Tomé to Uli at only a little above sea level in August 1968.


Disgusted at the suffering the Nigerian government inflicted on the Biafrans and the continuous harassment of the relief flights by the Nigerian Air Force, he hatched a plan in collaboration with the French secret service.


He imported 5 small civilian single engine Malmö MFI-9 planes  produced by SAAB, which he knew were designed for ground attack warfare. He had the planes painted camouflage, fitted with rockets from Matra and formed a squadron called 'Babies of Biafra' to strike the air fields from which the federal Nigerian Air Force launched their attacks against the civilian population in Biafra.


On May 22, 1969, and over the next few days, von Rosen and his 5 aircraft launched attacks against Nigerian air fields at Port Harcourt, Enugu, Benin and other small airports.

The Nigerians were taken by surprise and jets, including MiG-17 fighters and 3 out of Nigeria's 6 Ilyushin Il-28 bombers, were destroyed on the ground.

Assisting Count Carl Gustaf von Rosen was Lynn Garrison, an ex-Royal Canadian Air Force fighter pilot. He introduced the Count to a Canadian method of dropping bagged supplies to remote areas in Canada without losing the contents. He showed how one sack of food was placed inside a larger sack before the supply drop. When the package hit the ground the inner sack ruptured while the outer one kept the contents intact. With this method tons of food was dropped to Biafran civilians who would otherwise have expired from starvation.

In 1974 von Rosen flew aid for famine and drought victims in Ethiopia.

Count von Rosen was in Africa in 1977, during the Ogaden War between Ethiopia and Somalia. Flying relief for refugees, he was killed on the ground on 13 July 1977, during a Somali guerrilla attack near Gode.
Location of  Sweden  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]
Constantly updated news from Sweden.