Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Bullets kill click here
Remembering victims of gun violence in Haddon Heights, New Jersey click here
Guns in New York City used to kill New Yorkers mostly come from elsewhere, especially Virgina click here
One death from a bullet is too many click here
Too many members of my family died from bullets click here
Constitution of the United States of America click here
April 4: Martin Luther King Jr died from bullets at 39 in 1968; Roger Ebert died from cancer at 70 in 2013 click here
Bed Stuy Vollies click here

Moms Against Illegal Guns click here

"In Pennsylvania, gun violence is responsible for the deaths of 1,200 people each year and ranks #6 in the nation for handgun homicides involving children. At this point, it's become a public health hazard."

Americans need laws restricting who can buy guns, where they can take them, and how many bullets they can load. SJ Dodgson MJoTA 2013 v6n1 p0405

80% of Americans want background checks on anyone buying a gun; probably as many want to stop guns moving across state lines; and as many want to limit the amount of bullets that can be added to gun magazines. These data came from the report from Mayors Against Illegal Guns click here.

However, the crazies that wag the tails of too many lawmakers believe that any of the 3 fundamentals of the proposed gun laws would somehow launch a war of our government (which is we the people) against the people (we the people).

From where I sit, 5 miles down the road from the city with the highest rate of gun deaths in the USA; not passing these laws is war against the people; and daily little children and teenagers are being buried across America.

Guns and Stuns

Mass shooting every day in USA. SJ Dodgson MJoTA 2016 v10n1p0614

Every day someone gets a gun, finds a group for target practice so they can commit suicide and take as many folks with them as possible. In 2012 in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, one group was small white children. In 2016 in Orlando, Florida, another group was mostly gay, Latin and men. 

The numbers murdered directly correlate to how quick cops can show up and stop the murderer. In Sandy Hook, cops could not prevent 26 dying. In Orlando, the cops failed completely: the murderer called 911 before he started, and was given a free pass to shoot dead as many as he liked over 3 hours. Three hours! Which gave folks with catastrophic injuries plenty of time to bleed to death.

Gun control: we lack in Congress the will to control any sort of weapon. And that is a damn shame.
Address to Congress, Feb 05, 2013. NY Rep YD Clarke. Congressional Record article 34 of 42. Page H353. MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p0726

(Ms. CLARKE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Ms. CLARKE. Mr. Speaker, Monday, November 26, 2012, is a great day for the residents of my town. New York City went 24 hours without a single person being injured or killed by gun violence. That day, the Brownsville section of Brooklyn within my district, which has experienced more shooting victims last year than any other part of the city, saw a most-needed reprieve from the violence it experiences on a daily basis.

Mr. Speaker, women and children are gunned down every day in urban communities across the country by illegal handgun violence. In fact, on average, more than 100,000 people in the United States are shot and killed with a gun annually. This is endemic in communities of color where illegal handgun violence has become a very serious public health issue. These numbers are unacceptable, especially in a State and city with some of the strictest gun laws in the Nation.

Lastly, gun violence is not an inevitable problem, yet it continues to plague our communities. We owe it to the people we represent and to future generations to act with urgency and conviction to put an end to this senseless pattern of gun violence.

Congresswoman Yvette D Clarke is a daughter of Jamaica who represents Brooklyn in New York's 9th District.
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Women Against Gun Violence
click here

"In 1993, in response to the gun industry’s expansive marketing campaign toward women, the surging handgun homicide rates, and believing that women are agents of social change, the Los Angeles Police Commissioner Ann Reiss Lane co-coordinated with Betty Friedan, leader of the feminist movement and author of The Feminine Mystique, a national conference that articulated guns and gun violence as a women’s issue and a public health concern."
In South Africa, 20 sons of Congo falsely accused of running a military raining camp and plotting to shoot the President of Congoclick here

Mayors Against Illegal Guns
click here
Field day on young Black males. Statements on the trial of the man who shot dead a tall skinny boy buying Skittles  click here
New Jersey

NJ law NJCC Title 2C:39-1 click here

The amendment to this law is before the New Jersey senate. It bans stun guns (non-lethal force) but permits bullets (lethal force)

The original law banned assault weapons (yeah!!) in New Jersey in 1990.
Picture above, crosses in front of Camden Town Hall for persons murdered in Camden, New Jersey between Jan 1 and Nov 1, 2012.
Many more should have been on trial with George Zimmerman. SJ Dodgson. MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p0712

We need to think about what  the Bed Stuy Vollies? do, day after day, scraping shot kids off the pavement and trying to keep them alive, and why they need to do it.

They will keep doing this in Brooklyn, and other ambulance organizations will keep doing it in Chicago, in Camden, in small towns in Florida. They will keep doing it because we have laws funneling lethal weapons into the hands of young terrorists like George Zimmerman who think they are doing the world a favor by killing sons and daughters of Africa.

So many others should be on trial with Zimmerman. Zimmerman did what he did because he believed he had the right to do it. Which was to put a bullet through the heart of Trayvon Martin, a frightened 17 year-old boy who had just bought a soda and a small packet of candy.

When Trayvon was killed, my youngest child was also 17. She celebrated her 19th birthday this week.

We need to take from the government the right to kill us at any time with the guns they have hanging around their waists. Zimmerman was not a policeman, but on that day, for reasons that are inscribed in Florida legislation, he decided to believe he was working for the police, he was a police-surrogate.

As a nation, we need to come to a clear understanding that our young sons and daughters are our greatest treasure and we need to equip police, and surrogate-police, with effective, quick non-lethal force. And reserve lethal force for farmers and hunters, like the 2 Supreme Court justices who enjoy eating the meat from deer and other wild animals they shoot.

So that mothers send their kids off to school in the morning, instead of planning their days around visits to the graveyard.

But while guns are legally permitted, mothers will continue to give guns to their teenagers to protect themselves and will continue to weep when their children are killed. The Bed Stuy Vollies will keep on going out in the middle of the night, waking New Yorkers with their sirens and bright lights, getting blood all over their boots and uniforms, trying to stop life from escaping form one broken child after another.

The legislation-sanctioned genocide of sons and daughters of Africa will continue, because we allow it.

Happy birthday Commander! I will be there tomorrow. May you live many more years, and may your dream of having us all live and work together be realized.

News from the NRA is written in the blood of Trayvon Martin, the children of Sandy Hook, the Latin and gay folks of Pulse bar. The NRA values the right of every lunatic to own any kind of human-killing machine over the right of a child to live. The Gun Policy Institute reports news about guns, go to