Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

Medical Writing Institute click here

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Emerald Pademelon Press LLC click here

Peace Scientists click here

Dr Susanna loves the countries and the peoples of Africa

Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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MJoTAtalks: Religion

When good wins, evil does not go away, it just changes direction click here
Marble Collegiate Church on 5th Avenue, Manhattan: where the power of positive thinking was invented click here
Archbishop Desmond Tutu: son of South Africa and Anglican priest click here
Worshiping with Senegalese Muslims in Washington DC during the days of President Obama's inauguration click here
Quakers have been in Flushing longer than most places, and in 1672 George Fox showed up to talk to them (us). click here
Newton Monthly Meeting; the Society of Friends runs an urban farm a block from the Ben Franklin Bridgeclick here
Quakers speak click here
American Friends Service Committee click here
Father Kieran: son of Nigeria and Roman Catholic priest in Philadelphia click here
Sister Helen Prejean speaks for Witness to Innocence click here
Quakers & prisons click here
Dr Michele births stories of wise women - women in prison in New Jersey click here