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Cory Booker wants to be senator from New Jersey click here
The Obama Girls zoom into Camden, NJ to stump for Cory Booker click here
Barbara Buono is a NJ lawyer who was the Majority Leader in the NJ Senate who wants to be governor of New Jersey click here.

New Jersey Voted for a governor and a lieutenant governor

Dark days ahead for New Jersey. SJ Dodgson. MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p1106

Was the re-election of Governor Chris Christie determined by deals between Democratic bosses and Republican Governor Chris Christie that included the highly credible Democratic candidate, State Senator Barbara Buono Esq, being tossed for sacrifice? I do not know.

I am a registered Democrat, I voted the straight Democratic ticket, and in the month before the election I was helping to get out the vote first for Corey Booker in his special election to the US senate on Oct 16 2013, and then Barbara Buono's bid for governor on Nov 5 2013.

George Norcross is an owner in the main newspaper in Philadelphia, where many South Jersey residents work; and his daughter runs the website. What was interesting to me, as a resident of South Jersey and a daily reader of the Philadelphia Inquirer for 35 years, that in the months leading up to the Nov 2013 election, not a day passed without a positive story about how great Christie was; while the stories about Barbara Buono were unrelentingly negative.

Should I be upset that Allessandra Norcross could only find good stories about Christie and bad stories about Buono when George Norcross heads the South Jersey Democratic Organization? I do not know.

Should I be upset that no funds were available from the Camden County Democratic Party to hire organizers to get out the vote for Barbara Buono, that the minute Corey Booker won his senate seat, the election team packed up and left? I do not know.

What I do know is that Barbara Buono and her team-mate Milly Silva were credible candidates, and New Jersey lost an opportunity to be run by a seasoned professional with a long record of getting things done in the New Jersey legislature.

And because scores of elected Democrats endorsed Governor Christie, and funds and manpower were not made available to work for Barbara Buono, New Jersey has voted in again a governor who is more interested in shoveling sand to protect houses built in the paths of ocean storms than protecting all of New Jersey from disappearing under rising ocean waters. And would not even sign gun laws that would take guns out of the hands of babies and teenagers.

State Senator Barbara Buono has worked as an elected official for 2 decades, was the Senate Majority Leader: she understands the political process and wants to be governor; Chris Christie took food and education away from little children, refuses to sign the gun bill taking guns away from small children: he wants to be president. Not if the Obama Girls and the Mayor of Lawnside have anything ti do with it  click here
From Wikipedia

Donald Norcross is an American labor leader and Democratic Party politician who represents the 5th District n the New Jersey Senate. He is the president of the Southern New Jersey AFL-CIO Central Labor Council. He is the co-chair of the Camden County Democratic Party. His brother, George Norcross, heads the South Jersey Democratic Organization and is a majority owner in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Edited from: The Fiction of the “New Jersey Comeback”

By Communications Director – Buono for Governor
Sep 27, 2013

.....the August jobs report found that New Jersey lost more than 1,500 jobs in August. ... 400,000 people are still out of work. Even worse, thousands of New Jersey’s workers have given up hope of finding employment and are leaving the workforce entirely.
New Jersey has the highest unemployment in the region, ranks 44th in the nation in job creation, again worst in the region, and is failing to restore the job losses of the Great Recession, unlike the nation and its neighbors in New York and Pennsylvania.
While the state is in the midst of the worst jobs crisis in the last thirty years, working and middle class families have seen their property taxes go up 20%.
For the last four years, New Jerseyans have been waiting for a plan from Governor Christie that lifts up everyone in the Garden State.
When given the opportunity to sign a package of job-creation bills, he called it a “pile of crap.”
He has vilified teachers, policemen and firefighters, or anyone that dare disagree with him. And he vetoed raising the minimum wage while increasing taxes on working people by cutting the Earned Income Tax Credit.
As we head into the final stretch of the campaign, this is the record that New Jerseyans will vote on. With just 11%t of the electorate believing they are better off since Chris Christie took office, it is clear they understand that his policies had devastating consequences.  

New Jersey 2013: Why Chris Christie needs to step down as governor. SJ Dodgson MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p1012

One year ago exactly, on Oct 11, 2012, I drove from my house to Mount Laurel to a YMCA basketball court filled with people wanting to listen to Governor Christie talk about New Jersey. He had just come from several weeks on a bus with Mitt Romney, who was the Republican candidate for president in the Nov 2012 elections. He talked about the great job he had been doing for New Jersey, since Jan 2010, consolidating redundant systems, closing libraries.

Wait. Closing libraries? He said his town had a library and so did the next town, and it made no sense to have 2. Well, if you are a kid it makes sense. And kids and old people go to libraries. Because they can walk there. Our Friday night treat in New Zealand, in the small east coast city of Gisborne, was to go to the library with my parents. I was between 6 and 9. When I was 9 we moved to Australia and the public library was filled with fairy books: the green fairy book, the blue fairy book, the yellow fairy book. And my year-younger brother and I were allowed to walk there, by ourselves, after school, once a week, and load up on books before catching the bus home.

I want every child in New Jersey to access libraries the way I did in Australia, and my own 4 children did in Haddonfield, New Jersey. Haddonfield has a library in the middle of the town, a child can walk there from all 3 elementary schools, the middle school and the high school. Towns need more libraries, not fewer.

During the townhall meeting I observed, I was standing next to a distinguished looking gentleman who identified himself as a former superintendent of schools in a New Jersey county. He told me he had a friend who had also been a superintendent who had claimed that the single worst thing he did on the job was give Chris Christie a high school diploma. The lack of affection educators have for Mr Christie is widespread: school budgets have been slashed and programs and personnel have been reduced.
Senator Buono has always advocated for policies that expand economic opportunity and create good-paying jobs for New Jerseyans.

- she passed one of the largest small business tax cuts in state history. Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy, accounting for 95% of all businesses in New Jersey. In the Senate, Senator Buono championed bipartisan legislation to simplify the tax code for small business owners, enabling them to expand and hire more workers.

- As Budget Chair, Senator Buono cut $4.5 billion in state spending. As Chair of the Senate Budget Committee from 2008 to 2010, Barbara helped bring fiscal stability to Trenton by cutting spending by $4.5 billion while increasing funds for schools and healthcare.

•    Sponsored bill to foster innovation and create jobs. Barbara sponsored legislation to connect our universities with new businesses in emerging markets, enabling specialized businesses to turn academic research into commercial reality.