Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Dr Susanna loves the countries and the peoples of Africa

Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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July 4th, 2014: Day 504 of Congolese 20 in South African jail after police scam, kidnapping and arrest on made-up charges click here
Congo click here

International African Arts Festival

Universal African Drum and Dance Ensemble performed in 2013, below and click here
2014 Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, below left, former NYC Comptroller John Liu and 2014 NYC Councilmember Laurie Cumbo at the festival in 2013.
International African Arts Festival 2009-2013. SJ Dodgson MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p0704

My 2 favorite vendors at the International African Arts Festival are shown above in pictures I took in 2011. They have been there every year since I first was directed there by an Igbo lawyer in 2009. They are there now. And they sell great things, made in Africa, by Africans, no foreign investors or governments get a piece of them.

John Kaku is a son of Ghana, second man from the left. He imports shea butter from Ghana, his company is Sankofa Trading and Development. The best shea butter I have come across. I bought some shea butter soap, called black soap, in Crown Heights last year and took it with on a family visit to Australia. Within a few days I developed a horrible rash. John's soap doesn't do that. Pure, clean.

In 2009, John explained shea butter to me, nearly 4 years after I first turned my attention to African communities. I had never heard of it. He explained it, and I bought some to be polite. He remembered that, and laughed about it with me today on a sunny July 4th. The shea butter I bought in 2009 sat in my closet for some months before I used it, and have been using it all over my body every day since. It makes my skin feel good. Looks good? You tell me.

The picture on the right is Calabar Imports, which has gorgeous clothers, jewelry, art, bags, shoes selected in countries of Africa and all over and sold in 2 stores in Brooklyn. I have written about them, and I am sure I will again. Dynamic entrepreneurship with the goal of creating jobs in African communities. And succeeding. Spectacularly. Story I wrote last year about the mother-daughter partnership, click here