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CACCI Celebrates Brooklyn Borough Deputy President

New York Senate J3054-2011: Commending Yvonne J. Graham upon the occasion of her designation for special recognition for over a decade of distinguished service to the Borough of Brooklyn

Sponsor: MONTGOMERY / Committee: FINANCE
Law Section: Resolutions, Legislative

J3054-2011 Actions


J3054-2011 Text

LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION commending Yvonne J. Graham upon the occasion of her designation for special recognition for over a decade of distinguished service to the Borough of Brooklyn

WHEREAS, Individuals who give of their time and energies and serve the best interests of their communities are an asset beyond remuneration and cannot be sufficiently extolled; and

WHEREAS, Yvonne J. Graham has given not only of her time and energies but also of her competence, intelligence and leadership and consequently has been designated for special honor; and

WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to commend Yvonne J. Graham upon the occasion of her designation for special recognition for over a decade of distinguished service to the Borough of Brooklyn, to be celebrated at a Community Reception hosted by Brooklyn Historical Society on Friday, January 27, 2012; and

WHEREAS, Yvonne J. Graham was born in Jamaica, West Indies, and moved to New York to pursue higher education; and

WHEREAS, A trained Registered Nurse, Yvonne J. Graham holds a Bachelor's Degree in Health Administration and Community Health from St. Joseph's College as well as a Master's Degree in Public Health from Hunter College; and

WHEREAS, She also completed the Executive Program in Business Administration at Columbia University School of Business and an honorary Doctor

of Law degree was conferred on her by her alma mater, St. Joseph's College; and

WHEREAS, For over 20 years, Yvonne J. Graham has been a pioneer in thearea of public health; and

WHEREAS, As a registered nurse, Yvonne J. Graham served in the emergency room of Brookdale Hospital; and

WHEREAS, Yvonne J. Graham founded the Caribbean Women's Health Association (CWHA), serving as executive director and spearheading programs that provide comprehensive, culturally-sensitive health care, immigration and social support services to diverse communities; and

WHEREAS, For over a decade, Yvonne J. Graham has served as Brooklyn's deputy borough president, working alongside the borough president in managing the affairs of the borough; in addition, she directly oversees health care policy and all health and human services for the borough president; and

WHEREAS, Yvonne J. Graham has been called upon to contribute her time and talents to countless civic and charitable endeavors and has always given of herself unstintingly; and

WHEREAS, Yvonne J. Graham is a longtime advocate for improving public health and works tirelessly to respond to Brooklyn's unique epidemiology; and

WHEREAS, This remarkable woman's vision was critical to founding Brooklyn's first Center on Health Disparities, which is working to reduce cardiovascular disease among minority communities; and

WHEREAS, She spearheaded the borough president's Cut the Salt campaign to help residents battle high blood pressure and she aggressively championed initiatives to reinvigorate Brooklyn's   financially-strapped medical institutions, including advocacy which ultimately saved Long Island College Hospital's maternity and pediatric units; and

WHEREAS, To address the serious shortage of nursing professionals, Yvonne J. Graham played an instrumental role in establishing the Brooklyn Nursing Partnership, which not only promotes the nursing profession but encourages collaboration between hospitals and nursing schools to increase the numbers of young people entering the profession; and

WHEREAS, In an effort to increase the number of women in leadership positions in government, business and industry, Yvonne J. Graham spearheaded the Women's Leadership Initiative, a partnership between academic institutions, government agencies, community-based organizations and the

private sector that brings women together for dialogue and networking; and
WHEREAS, Yvonne J. Graham has served on the Mayor's Committee on Immigration, the New York City HIV Planning Council, and the Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women and has received numerous awards and honors for her work in the community; and

WHEREAS, Throughout the entire period of her community service, a period of constructive involvement, Yvonne J. Graham has stood constant in dignity, good grace and humor; and

WHEREAS, Rare indeed is the impressive dedication shown by an individual for the benefit of others which Yvonne J. Graham has displayed throughout her life; and

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that those who enhance the quality of life in their community and have shown a long and sustained commitment to the maintenance of high standards in their profession, certainly have earned the recognition and applause of all the citizens of this great Empire State; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to commend Yvonne J. Graham upon the occasion of her designation for special recognition for over a decade of distinguished service to the Borough of Brooklyn; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to Yvonne J. Graham.


The Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CACCI), click here.
Top 2 pictures: Borough President Marty Markowitz addresses the audience at the Brooklyn Historical Society 128 Pierrepont Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 on a rainy Friday, January 27 2012, to celebrate Deputy Borough President Yvonne J Graham. She is now Associate Commissioner of New York State.
Dr Roy A Hastick sr, stands behind the Borough President.

Below, Dr Hastick, the founder, president and CEO of CACCI, the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Bottom picture, self portrait of Dr Susanna Dodgson. Above it, the current Deputy Borough president, Guyanian-born Ms Sandra Chapman.