Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Lawnside, New Jersey

Above, artist Obanion explains Kwanzaa in Lawnside on Dec 26, 2015

Below, mayor of Lawnside, Mayor Mary Ann Wardlow

The New Jersey borough of Lawnside is in Camden County, as is Haddonfield and the city of Camden. In 2010, the borough's population was 2,945.

The land that became Lawnside was bought for freed and escaped slaves, and other sons and daughters of Africa in 1840.

On March 24, 1926, NJ Bill 561, dissolved Centre Township and incorporated the Boroughs of Lawnside, and Barrington.

Lawnside was the first independent self-governing African American community north of the Mason-Dixon line.

Below, Camden County Democratic Party headquarters in Oct 2013, 4 weeks before the Nov election in which Republican Governor Chris Christie was re-elected governor with over 60% of the vote. His Democratic challenger was State Senator Barbara Buono.
Senator Barbara Buono and Milly Silva beat Governor Chris Christie in Lawnside, New Jersey

Elections are fickle festivals. They were probably fairer in the early days of the liberated colony that became the United States of America, but only because few were allowed to vote, and those that were privileged. Male, adult, property owners. No women, no poor or indentured servants or anyone who had a bit or a lot of African ancestry.

Lawnside has jumped over a lot of hurdles to exist. And while other Democratic mayors in New Jersey were happily endorsing Chris Christie's gubernatorial campaign, after being being intimidated or what? could they have been paid off? the mayor of Lawnside was doing what all of them should have been doing: rallying her troops to vote for the bully buster, State Senator Barbara Buono.

On election night 2013 I wandered into the Camden County Headquarters to see what was going on, and meet with MJoTA political reporter Eddie Rivera.

I listened to the returns from across Camden County. Barbara Buono lost to Chris Christie by a wide margin, but won with over 90% of the vote in Lawnside.  Mayor Wardlow of Lawnside did her job.

God bless the Mayor of Lawnside. God bless Lawnside.