Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Dr Susanna loves the countries and the peoples of Africa

Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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South Africa click here
South African Constitution click here
If you want to donate a few dollars to the relatives of the Congolese 20 in South Africa or the USA, please contact Dr Susanna for instructions on how to donate to a secure online 501c3 account. All US donations are recorded and can be deducted according to IRS law.
Dr Susanna and MJoTAtalks does not pretend to understand the politics in Congo, or who are the perpetrators or defenders of the thousands on victims in what the UN called "the rape capital of the world."

The call to release James Kazongo is a call for human rights to be acknowledged and honored.

By supporting the Kazongo family in their demand to release James, we are not demanding the change in any government in the continent of Africa.
Video made by James of one of his sons in school in Delaware click here
Update: Judge Billy Mothle acquitted 15 on Nov 28, 2014; and acquitted all on Feb 18, 2015. And James Kazongo is home in Delaware with his family because an Igbo friend bought him a ticket from Johannesburg to Philadelphia.

Call for prosecutors to drop charges against Congolese 20 and charge the South African undercover policemen who kidnapped and scammed the Congolese 20 and are scamming the South African judicial system click here

Pictures above and below: in Delaware, with the family of James Kazongo. Dr Susanna in the maroon jacket; Lumbo Salomon CEO of Angola Nova (a 5013c organization); Jeanine Kazongo; Engineer Antoine Azima (son of Angola, grew up in Congo); Vincent Ngadi (son of Nigeria).
Kabilagate in South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo click here
James Kazongo remains in hospital with a broken leg after being assaulted by 3 prison guards in Pretoria Central Prison. The Congolese 20 do not have legal representation after 4 months and paying a lot of borrowed money. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0528 click here
The human faces of the Congolese 20: victims scammed by South African undercover police. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 0524 click here
Trial of Congolese 20 postponed until Aug 1st, 2013. James Kazongo beaten up by guard, falls in court. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0523 click here
South African laws and lawyers. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0522 click here
South African Oranges, Sovereignty and Pretoria Central Prison. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 0521 click here
Rhinoceroses. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 0520 click here
Three days until the trial in Pretoria, South Africa of 20 Congolese: 16 are security guards, one is a chef, and one is widely believed to be the son of the late President Laurent Kabila. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0519 click here
Changing currency in South Africa MJoTA 2013 v6n1 0518 click here
Twenty innocent men charged with planning a coup against the president of Congo: evidence was fabricated. MJoTA v6n1 p0517 click here
When James Kazongo was arrested click here
James Kasongo makes the best potato chips in the world. MJoTA 2013 v6n1 p0429 click here click here
Why Dr Susanna is traveling to Pretoria. Journey to the Gates of Hell. MJoTA 2013 v6n1 0513 click here
James Kazongo and 19 other sons of Congo are on a hunger strike. SJ Dodgson. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0417

James Kazongo and the 19 others in prison in Pretoria are preparing to start a hunger strike on Monday.

They believe their human rights have been violated by being arrest on Feb 5 on charges that are extremely serious and ridiculous (gun trafficking and military training camp aimed at overthrowing Congo's president).

They hired a lawyer who has not interviewed any of them but ate the money. And they believe that without defense they will convicted and sent to Congo where they will be shot immediately.

The original reports of their arrest are in South African media, the BBC and NYTimes.

Update May 13: the hunger strike stopped after a few days after the men were permitted to telephone their families.

Release James Kazongo. SJ Dodgson. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0331

James Kazongo has been detained in South Africa since early February, less than 3 weeks after he arrived in South Africa on what we have been told by his wife was a short business trip. 

James is family man, father of 3 little boys whom he adores: he has videoed them in school in Delaware, one such video can be linked to below.

Four of us from Philadelphia's African communities brought supplies to the house James shares with his wife Janine, pictured above, because we are concerned about his little boys and his wife.

We stand in solidarity as American citizens and as immigrants with other American citizens who are immigrants. James Kazongo is an American citizen, so is Janine and their 3 little boys.

How many hurdles has James had to jump over in his 55 years on this earth: to get to America, to work as a chef in Philadelphia, to find his Janine in Paris, to start a family, to have a stable quiet life in the suburbs of Delaware?

The charges in court in Pretoria are preposterous. James Kazongo is not a terrorist. He is 55 years old, and has for decades worked as a cook, a chef. He was not training in South Africa with militia. In fact, reports are coming out that no guns were found on any of the 19 sons of Congo arrested with James.

Son of Congo pleads for help. James Kazongo in Pretoria Central Prison with 19 more Congolese: in early Feb 2013, charged with plotting coup against president of Congo. MJoTA v7n1 p0312 click here