Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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The only problem with New York City. SJ Dodgson. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0510

I love New York City, which is like saying I love breathing. I know some people do not like the greatest city on earth, but I have never met any of them.

New York City takes in everyone. It took in a survivor of genocide, my very good friend Marie Claudine. Video above; she is mentioned a lot on this site. I have never seen anyone smile as much as Claudine. Every time I think of her I want to dance. Because she does.

New York City is especially accessible to me: my home base for 30 years is 80 miles south of New York City Hall.

However, New York City is accessible to everyone throughout the world. Through live streaming from City Council, through Facebook, through Linkedin, through Twitter, through Skype...

New York City is on display through millions of cameras, microphones - all the time. After the comparative ease with which Boston police tracked down 2 drug-addicted, mentally-ill immigrants and riddled them with bullets, I am wondering how any crime goes undetected, unpunished in New York City. Mayor Bloomberg proudly announcing a decrease in the numbers of violent crimes in New York City has me puzzled, why are there so many?

And what do we not know that we do not know? Are young women being held captive with chains and ropes inside New York City, as in Cleveland?

Do we have such crimes everywhere because everywhere some men and women enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on the less physically strong?

Or do such crimes proliferate only in areas with low cost real estate? Do New York City prices clean out the kidnappers and the hostage takers so that the city is safe for President Clinton's daughter to buy a $10 million apartment in Flatiron close to the Museum of Sex; and close to the Marble Collegiate Church. President Nixon's younger daughter was married there.

Certainly violent crime in New York City is less than in Philadelphia. I feel safer walking through New York City any time of the day or night than in Philadelphia. Another reason why I love New York City.

Politics in New York City is different. Politicians are different. They are much more in touch with their people than anywhere I have observed. Political processes started on New York have legs; things discussed in Brooklyn have frequently changed the world. I love Brooklyn. I love New York City.

I watched a press conference recently in which Mayor Bloomberg spoke about the increase in population in New York City. He said that for the first time in 50 years, more people are moving into New York City than moving out!

Of course. New York City has Access A Ride, which means that anyone showing that they cannot climb down subway staircases, because of age or infirmity, gets a small bus or taxi to collect them at their doorstep and drive them anywhere in the 5 boroughs for the price of a subway ride.

This program is immensely popular with the active aged. Who also in New York City have access to the best free healthcare in the country. I heard an elderly man at my South Jersey bank last week asking if they had branches in Manhattan, because he was moving to New York City this month. I know a Nigerian who was a victim of botched healthcare in Lagos who recovered his health in New York City after prolonged stays in health facilities in Brooklyn and Queens. He had American citizenship and was over 65.

I can go endlessly about the advantages of living in New York City for the elderly, the super-rich, the good-time folks, the hard-workers or the students; and why I am addicted to New York City; why I travel to any and all of the 5 boroughs often once or twice a week by car, by bus, by train. But what I want to say is what is wrong with New York City.
The major fault of New York City is that it ends with Staten Island.

It needs to expand to include all of New Jersey. New York City needs more dry land, more fresh water, more jobs: New Jersey has all this and more!

I watched Steven Spielberg's movie ET, Vice President Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth, and in November, I spent the night before flying to Australia in Manhattan's Chinatown with limited power. Dramatic climate change has Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens and the Bronx in its sights, and I know that the Statue of Liberty will be under water eventually.

Before this happens, New York City needs to think about expanding south.

Because New York City has a functioning government, and a way of life that could easily be expanded and could benefit far more Americans.

What about starting with a satellite New York City in South Jersey? So many possibilities, so many brilliant New Yorkers...
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