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Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Eddie Rivera Commentary

New Jersey politics post election. Eddie Rivera. MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p1120

Now that the dust has been cleared and Governor Chris Christie is up for another term. However, he may not serve a second full term. The 2016 presidential election is looming and the governor is poised to be the odds on favorite. Should he run for the highest office in the land, he would have to give up his governorship. Then who will replace him? That would be Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno.

Before Christie was governor and the state of New Jersey established the lieutenant governor position, it was the Senate President who was second in command. When Governor Christine Whitman resigned in 2001 to run the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under US President George W. Bush, Senate President Donald DiFrancesco became acting governor until Jim McGreevy was elected that same year.

Three years later when McGreevy resigned after announcing his extramarital homosexual affair, Senate President Richard Codey became acting governor until US Senator Jon Corzine was elected governor the following year. Not that this Lieutenant Governor position is created to prevent the Senate President form obtaining this temporary duel power, how will Guadagno do in her role once Christie goes for a national office?

The year after 2016, should Christie become president, is the 2017 gubernatorial elections in New Jersey. This is where Guadagno will have to run for her first full term. It looks like she’ll be the nominee for the Republicans. And will the Democrats rally for against her? My pick will be current Senate President Stephen Sweeney.

Why not? Senator Sweeney has a whole lot of power and influence not just in the Senate chamber but across the state. Where else could a high school graduate from Pennsauken, which is Sweeney’s highest degree sought, could reach the dream that Senator Barbara Buono couldn’t do and become governor for the Garden State. With Sweeney’s name recognition, this would rectify the wrongs the Democratic Party did in 2013 by bringing in someone with much stoke to ensure the governorship becomes blue once again. Sure Sweeney would have to give up his senate seat but he seems ready to gain that upper hand.
Eddie Rivera at a rally for Barbara Buono in Oct 2013 at Ryder University, New Jersey.
In 2017, not only will the governor be Democratic but the state legislature will still be Democratic. New Jersey has always been a Democratic state and the stars will realign in 2017 when Sweeney dethrones Guadagno.

As for Governor Christie’s presidential ambitious, sure he could make the nomination trying hard to appease to the right wing of the Republican Party. Despite him being a moderate of the party, it’s still going to be tough to convince the overall base of the party. Just ask John McCain and Mitt Romney.

You want to talk about who should be the next president in 2016, it’s going to be Hillary Clinton. Let’s face it; she’s a very powerful woman! First lady, US Senator, Secretary of State, what more can she do? I know! Make history! Come 2016, Hillary Rodham Clinton will become the first female president of the United States. America has always been driven by change. In 2008, Barack Obama was elected as the first African American president in this nation’s history. With Clinton’s election, this only demonstrates our nation’s diversity.

I’m going to predict that 2016 race will be between Clinton and Christie. However, 2016 is going to be totally different than 2013. This time Christie is going to lose to a woman.

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