Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Dr Susanna loves the countries and the peoples of Africa

Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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March on Washington August 28, 1963 for human rights, and again, on August 24, 2013 click here

ACANA throws a party: annual African festival in Philadelphia Aug 3, 2013 click here
Caribbean Unity Flag click here

West Indian American Day Parade

West Indian American Day Parade 2012. SJ Dodgson. MJoTAtalks 2013 v7n2 p0828

I drove from South Jersey to downtown Brooklyn, parked my car, and took the train to Eastern Parkway with lots of young people who were ready for the parade. I was fascinated by the young ladies wearing bikinis and huge head pieces, who were carrying nothing and seemed to have nowhere to put anything they might need.

The parade started with an official breakfast where the important people listened to speeches and got to see up close the dignitaries. Above, I am standing with daughter of Haiti, Brooklyn community leader Mercedes Narcisse.

After that, we started walking up, up Eastern Parkway. The Caribbean Unity flag was being carried in front of the float of the Brooklyn District Attorney, Charles Hines.

By the time I arrived at the Brooklyn Museum to watch N
 Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly play drims, which he does every year, I looked back down the [arkway at a sea of faces, all the way down. One million? Three million? Five million? Huge numbers of dancers, musicians, marchers. Huge numbers of observers. My gosh.