Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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AFSCME NY Endorsed John Liu for Mayor

July 24, 2013 New York City, NY— Today, on the steps of City Hall, members and leaders of AFSCME DC 1707, DC 37 and CSEA, Local 1000 announced the endorsement of John Liu for Mayor of New York City. Representing more than 220,000 working families in the City, members and leaders stood on the steps to declare their support for the candidate they know has the wherewithal to move our City forward to build a Better NYC for All.

Three Parks Independent Democrats works to elect Democratic candidates who demonstrate ability, integrity, and progressive convictions and to maintain and improve the quality of life in our neighborhood and beyond.

Campaign Finance Board of New York City denied mayoral candidate matching funds to John Liu. click here
Unofficial John Liu site goes into the good - so far the comptroller has saved NYC over 830 million - and the bad, a sting operation which showed that a single person was corrupted, but the campaign is a tight ship and the Feds found nothing click here

John Liu


As the Chief Financial Officer of the City of New York, I am gravely concerned about the deepening crisis at the New York City Housing Authority.

There are even questions about the legitimacy of the current NYCHA Board, as the Mayor drags his feet in appointing new members. His refusal to act is tantamount to vetoing legislators’ actions and demonstrates his contempt for the legislative process.

Our review of NYCHA’s annual draft plan raises serious questions about NYCHA’s management and finances – as well as its ability to deliver services to its more than 400,000 residents. The sustainability of quality affordable housing is vital to ensuring the City’s economic health.

NYCHA needs to provide answers – now. We’ve submitted detailed comments to NYCHA, which are also available on our website. Among our top concerns are:

1) NYCHA continues to shun openness and transparency. Given the size of NYCHA’s budget – $3.7 billion available in FY 2014 – the fiscal woes it complains of, significant issues of crime and safety, and literally groundbreaking plans to offload 14 parcels of valuable land in Manhattan to be used for luxury housing, holding just one public hearing is patently insufficient. Our office further welcomes NYCHA to disclose its financials to Checkbook NYC, our online transparency tool.

2) NYCHA should reject its plan to saddle the authority with a new $750 million bond issue. Already, the Authority is sitting on $700 million in unused capital funds and clearly lacks the capacity to spend new funds.

3) NYCHA must develop and implement a portfolio-wide and office-wide disaster-preparedness and -recovery plan in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

4) NYCHA should disclose the number of police officers it houses who are not eligible for public or assisted housing – and whether such occupancies increase the rate of stop-and-frisk activities.

5) NYCHA’s unwarranted payments to the City for police and sanitation services and Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) should end. Why should NYCHA pay for NYPD and Sanitation services that are given to private landlords for free?

6) NYCHA needs to explain how it handles maintenance and repair requests, given that hundreds of thousands of work orders magically disappear and untold numbers of units are in serious disrepair.

7) NYCHA needs to do more to protect its residents with stronger measures such as security cameras. NYCHA says it has $61 million earmarked for cameras, yet most developments that were supposed to get camera still have not – a situation that seems mired in bureaucratic red tape and incompetence.

8) NYCHA should look at creative ways to keep seniors in their apartments and improve the quality of their lives, rather than kicking them to the curb.

9) Raising rents in the midst of an historic affordability crisis in New York City should be undertaken only as a last resort.

10) NYCHA must be much better at finding meaningful training and employment opportunities to residents – plus give more than lip service to improving relationships with its residents.

These are just some of the issues raised in my comments, which I invite you to read.

I look forward to NYCHA officials’ response, as it imperative that the Agency do more to ensure its fiscal integrity as well as the delivery of critical services. The City depends on it.


July 15, 2013
"....the same mindset that allowed Zimmerman to believe he was justified in following an innocent young black man permits the NYPD to justify the targeting of black and Hispanic youth in its stop-and-frisk operation.

“We must work to undo the misguided perception that black and Hispanic youth are guilty until proven innocent. Just as states like Florida must repeal their dangerous Stand Your Ground legislation, the City must abandon its stop-and-frisk campaign.”

John Liu. SJ Dodgson. MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p0805

I like John Liu, because he likes the people of New York. Loves them, probably.

I do not understand the first thing about New York City politics, as a resident of New Jersey, I am not so impertinent that I will tell anyone how to vote. But I can tell you what I see.

I know the serious candidates for the Democratic nomination of mayor are 3: John Liu, Christine Quinn and Bill de Blasio.

I am not convinced that Bill Thompson is a serious candidate. I watched fascinated in 2009 when he snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory: the mayoral election was his to win, and he lost. The week before the Nov 2009 election, I traveled to Manhattan to witness a press conference, and all he could do was talk about term limits.

The other 3 are serious, but from my observation, the most serious of all is John Liu. He is everywhere. I have met all the candidates, and they do show up occasionally at Caribbean community events.

What is different about John Liu is that he shows up at 3 times as many as any of the others. He is in the communities all the time, talking to people, listening to people.

He was even at the African Arts festival on July 4th. I was there too, but none of the other candidates were.

Last Saturday I was talking to him during the Unity walk, and I asked him about a rumor he had heard, that he was supported by the Chinese government. He said that it is obviously nonsense, and he is accused of one stupid thing after another. I thought the accusation was strange, because he comes from Taiwan, which has never been a friend of China.

While we were talking, a man pulled up in a car and enthusiastically thanked John Liu for helping his wife, and pledged his support.

Which is what I am hearing over and over. Support for an honest, hard-working man who understands immigrants - he is one - who understands money - he is an actuary with a degree in physics - who understands time - how else could he show up at so many events in his spare time?

Picture on top: John Liu addresses the audience during the annual celebration of Caribbean Heritage Months at Brooklyn Borough Hall. He was the only mayoral candidate who showed up.
Endorsements of John Liu's campaign to be mayor of the greatest city in the world:

May 13, 2013 Three Parks Independent Democrats

July 24, 2013 AFSCME NY

July 25, 2013 Over 50 clergy including Brooklyn's Rev Herbert Daughtry and Rev Gil Montrose

NEW YORK, N.Y. — City Comptroller John C. Liu’s office today raised concerns about the economic damage that could result from another standoff over the federal budget and debt ceiling, which many observers believe is likely to occur this fall.

“We wish Washington’s days of irresponsible, high-stakes brinkmanship were in the past, but they seem to be looming on the horizon once again,” said Comptroller Liu. “Another outbreak of ‘Washington mania’ over the debt ceiling or budget would significantly hamper economic growth in New York City and beyond.”

The warning was made in a post on, a blog recently launched by the Comptroller’s Office to examine important and underreported economic and public policy issues related to New York City. The post was written by Chief Economist Dr. Frank Braconi, who cautioned that rosy economic growth predictions for 2014 would have to be sharply revised if a deadlock occurs this fall.

“The optimistic view that quickening momentum in the national economy would assert itself in 2014 was supported by a belief that neither political party would see advantage in further antagonizing voters with more budget theatrics,” Dr. Braconi wrote. “Unfortunately, storm clouds are now gathering over the 2014 budget process, suggesting that the economy may again fall victim to political gamesmanship.”