Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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The Congressional Black Caucus: wow! what a story of brilliant, educated, inspired, hard-working, aware men. Until Shirley Chisholm roared in from New York. And then the ladies started moving in click here
I am woman click here
North to Albany in the subfreezing cold, to hang out with New York State Black politicians click here
Jan 21 2013 in DC celebrating the inauguration oas US president, the faith and hope of fighters for civil rights, and the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed click here.
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Citizens are gathering on Jan 31, 2014 at 11am at Brooklyn Borough Hall to remember Shirley Chisholm, and launch her postage stamp, which can be seen below. The photograph below and the invitation came from 42nd District Leader daughter of Haiti Rodneyse Bichotte, who was cut from the same cloth as Shirley. More from Rodneyse click here.
Shirley Chisholm
The Long Shadow Cast by Shirley Chisholm. SJ Dodgson MJoTA v7n1 p0128

Yesterday afternoon, Sunday Jan 27, 2013, in Brooklyn, I witnessed the in-district inauguration of Congressman Hakeem Jeffries. The halls - the official hall and the overflow hall - were on the campus of the Pratt Institute, which is filled with large iron and marble sculptures, befitting an established school for artistic creative geniuses.

The first sculpture I saw was a huge head of a woman. She could have been north African, or Mediterranean, a Greek goddess. Very fitting, because all evening I felt I was in the presence of a goddess, or an angel.

Someone whose earthly life ended in 2005, but whose physical presence is remembered and whose spiritual presence was felt throughout the afternoon: Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, the very first daughter of Africa elected to congress.

The statue was not of Shirley Chisholm, but it could have been. Hopefully, when my favorite sculptor Manuelita Brown has finished her life-size bronze sculpture of Sojourner Truth, she will start on one of Shirley Chisholm. They are linked in history and in spirit, and they were linked in the inauguration speech by Hakeem Jeffries.

In the congressman's speech, he talked about Sojourner Truth, who knew the power of a pure heart and focusing on a good idea. He also talked about Shirley Chisholm, because a lot of his congressional district had been hers. The congressman knows where he came from, and with the continuing support of the good people who came out last night, he knows where he is going.

I was excited to know that Sojourner Truth is known in Brooklyn! The Congressman told us his priorities are gun control and immigration reform. We know his first act as congressman was getting aid for victims of Hurricane Sandy. He is off and running.

And so is the daughter of Haiti, District Leader Rodneyse Bichotte. I first met her at a CACCI meeting, and had seen her occasionally, when I heard her speak at Brooklyn College in Sep 2012, when the president of Haiti visited her district. As District Leader, she welcomed the president, and electrified the audience. I saw this young, confident, beautiful woman stride onto the stage, on front of the table of male leaders from Haiti, and electrify the audience of more than 1000 cheering sons and daughters of Haiti.

Rodneyse was the first person I saw when I entered the hall for the congressman's inauguration, and later, at the reception in the huge gymnasium of the Pratt Institute, I asked her to say something about Shirley Chisholm.

She pointed me to a man who is the last living aide of Shirley Chisholm, Mr William Hamilton.
Shirley Chisholm remembered. New York City Councilmember Jumaane Williams. MJoTA 2014 v8n1 p0129

I am blessed to walk in the distinguished footsteps of Shirley Chisholm, both as a Caribbean-American and as an elected representative of this community. I feel personally connected to her trademark 'unbought and unbossed' brand of leadership - a brand I endeavor to represent in my work every day. Every African-American, Caribbean-American and woman seeking public service stands on her shoulders, and this commemorative stamp is wonderful way for us to honor her.


In addition, I am proud to lead the push for the establishment of the Shirley Chisholm Community Center, a facility that will be located in my district and bear her name. It will serve generations to come. A state of the art community center is exactly the type of facility that our young people need, particularly in my district. Right now, the people of the 45th council district must travel at least three miles to reach the nearest community center, which everyone would agree is unacceptable.

I learned from Mr Hamilton that the portrait in Brooklyn Borough Hall that hangs outside the courtroom was commissioned and paid for by him, and that Rodneyse is very much recognized as a rising star by those who knew Shirley Chisholm.

Aha! I said! I discovered Rodneyse Bichotte second!

I am expecting great things of Rodneyse Bichotte, and of Hakeem Jeffries.

I came away with an enormous sense of optimism. A large number of elected officials were at the inauguration. Jumaane Williams, Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, Assembly member Nick Perry. The borough presidents of Manhattan, Queens and the Bronx; state assembly members and state senators, New York City council members. I got a great sense of unity behind the congressman, a great sense of unity on the Democratic Party in New York.

And afterwards, in the reception, as the elected officials and proud citizens drifted away, I saw the congressman cheerfully shaking hands with one citizen after another, and posing, smiling, for photographs with anyone who asked.

Congratulations Congressman! Never lose touch with the citizens who put you in Washington!
Sojourner Truth click here
The not-guilty verdict for George Zimmerman was unjust. NY District Leader, daughter of Haiti Rodneyse Bichotte click here
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