Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

Medical Writing Institute click here

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Dr Susanna loves the countries and the peoples of Africa

Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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The Obama Girls zoom into Camden, NJ to stump for Cory Booker click here
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Dr Althea Hankins set up the Aces Museum educational foundation and permanent exhibition for WW2 veterans. Listen to Dr Althea Hankins speak click here
Muslims creating peace click here
High Chief MC Orji click here
Stop and frisk click here
Fiscal cliff click here
On the road from Bo to Freetown in Sierra Leone, I bought a bottle of Coke because it cost less than a bottle of water, and looked cleaner click here
The church of positive thinking in Manhattan  click here
Rules for countries, and companies, and individuals click here
One gun death is one too many click here
Traditional medicines click here
African communities in Philadelphia click here
Malicious, vicious and fraudulent. Macharia Waruingi. Janet Ogundipe Fashakin. Lookman Sulaimon click here
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court lawsuit #96MD2013: demand to stop school closings filed Feb 28, 2013click here
CACCI at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York click here
Kenya counts the votes; Miriam Makeba click here
Dr Michael click here
I am woman click here
Kenya prepares for elections click here
How to fly through college and graduate school click here
Schools that prepare children for productive lives - in Sydney, Philadelphia and New York City. A school for girl geniuses in Sydney. MJoTA v7n1 p0225 click here
MJoTA Boomerangs click here
Sylvanie Joseph honored by Bed Stuy Volllies click here
William Shakespeare click here
Fully recovered after being declared dead click here
Philadelphia Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell click here.
Sojourner Truth click here
Dr Patience click here
Halt school closures in Philadelphia: the school board has been derelict in its duties and needs to resign click here
Sylvanie Donne Joseph click here
Inappropriate behavior for assemblyman click here
The only problem with New York City.  click here
Macharia Waruingi click here
Congress failed we the people click here
Decency in Nigerian professionals click here

The Center for Media and Peace Initiatives and Rutgers University School of Public Affairs  & Administration  International Conference on Media and Democratic Governance in Newark, New Jersey Jun 8, 2012  click here

Jan 21 2013 in DC celebrating the inauguration of the US president, the faith and hope of fighters for civil rights, and the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed click here
Welcome to the personal pages of the publisher of MJoTA. MJoTA 2011 v5n2 p1217., 18 months later. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0617click here
When Canary Islands sneezes, New York City drowns? MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0611 click here
Haddonfield, Camden County, New Jersey: a town which since May 1983 has had a single murder by gunshot. A Sicilian woman shot dead her husband after he had decided to move her out of her home and replace her with another woman. Americans need laws restricting who can buy guns, where they can take them, and how many bullets they can load. Goals to make every town and city into a Haddonfield MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0405 click here.
I cannot ever get enough of the Universal African Dance and Drum Ensemble. They sat quietly listening to Ambassadors Jun 7 2013 in Philly Town Hall, and then danced like that was why they had bodies. Some of them are very tiny, they are always all fabulous click here
News from the countries of Africa click here
News from the countries of the Caribbean click here
News from countries with communities of sons and daughters of Africa click here.
News about health click here
Remember the civil rights marchers and
Bloody Sunday, Mar 07, 1965. We shall overcome click here
The Secret of Luminaries. A true story of the cyclone girl. Book Review. Audio interview with the author, son of Congo, BN Dunn. MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p0708 click here
Campbell Dodgson, Professor Spooner, the White Rabbit, Oscar Wilde and Albrecht Duhrer click here
When good wins, evil does not go away, it just changes direction click here
Denmark: the only Nazi-occupied country that actively saved its Jews because Danes are Danes. Once in a while a Dane does something stupid, poor Marius click here
White Ribbon Walk to stop violence against women click here
Call from a daughter of Haiti and her brother, both elected officials in New York, for Dominican Republic and Haiti to talk to each other click here
Letitia James is sworn in as Public Advocate of New York and declares war on those who put money above the futures of New York City children click here
Sweden when the snow covered the ground before the apples were picked from the trees click here
Snow, the winter solstice and my most productive day ever click here
African Burial Ground and Museum in New York City celebrates Kwanzaa and the life of Nelson Mandela click here
Christmas in Delaware click here
Freedom Riders at African American Museum of Philadelphia click here.
Vaccinations click here
What's on at the Philadelphia Aces Museum click here
Dorie Miller, Pearl Harbor and the Day of Infamy click here
Glencore: money in African genocide click here
Dr Michele births stories of wise women - women in prison in New Jersey click here
Out of a Zambian village. Erica Peth click here
Every day is Veteran's Day at the Aces Museum for Black veterans: a jewel of a museum in Philadelphia, set up by a daughter of a Buffalo soldier click here
Aberdeen painter shot dead in his kilt at the Battle of the Somme: Campbell Lindsay Smith click here
In Nazi Germany, in Liberia, in Florida, we are all "us". click here
November 11 is called different things, depending on where and when you live click here
Discussion about Syria click here Syrians speak click here Don't bomb Syria click here Syria click here

Son of Zimbabwe Fungai Oliver Maboreke tells us we are all in this together, and the colonial hangover click here

From Turkey with love: Turkey spreads peace and hope through the Brooklyn Amity School, through Peace Islands, through international peace making click here
The fading influence of newspaper endorsements of politicians. Uchenna Ekwo, president of CMPI click here
Nelson Mandela click here
South African police: keeping the country secure or targeting citizens, refugees and visitors for abuse? MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0613 click here
Listen to friends of the Congolese 20 discuss the absurdity of the fabricated charges against the Congolese 20 and send good wishes to them and their families before going before the judge on Aug 01, 2013 in South Africa click here
Violating human rights in Congo, from high in the air to deep into the earth. SJ Dodgson. MJoTA 2103 v7n2 p1027 click here
The Constitution of the United States of America click here
I didn't know that my mother could die, she left behind letters click here
Egypt in chaos click here
Guns in New York City used to kill New Yorkers mostly come from elsewhere, especially Virgina click here
Haruna Darbo talks about democracy click here
ACANA throws a party: annual African festival in Philadelphia Aug 3, 2013 click here
Biafra click here
Chocolate click here
Jury duty, royal babies and odysseys. MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p0722 click here
Unity is strength click here
England click here
Richard King commentary: Field day on young Black males. Statements on the trial of the man who shot dead a tall skinny boy buying Skittles click here

The not-guilty verdict for George Zimmerman was unjust. NY District Leader, daughter of Haiti Rodneyse Bichotte click here

The jury failed Trayvon Martin. Commentary by son of Guyana, Brooklyn-based journalist Mr Lin-Jay Harry-Voglezon click here
The Congolese 20 were scammed and kidnapped: most worked as security guards, one is a chef, one is the first-born son of the late President Laurent Kabila, brother to President Joseph Kabila who maintains a house in Johannesburg, South Africa. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0519 click here
Analysis of cleaning away poverty by son of South Africa, geologist Trevor Mulaudzi click here
James Kazongo in hospital with a broken leg after being assaulted by 3 prison guards in Pretoria Central Prison. The Congolese 20 do not have legal representation after 4 months after paying a lot of borrowed money to 2 lawyers. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0528 click here
Call for prosecutors to drop charges against Congolese 20 and charge the South African undercover policemen who kidnapped and scammed the Congolese 20 and are scamming the South African judicial system. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0525 click here
South African Constitution click here
What Nelson Mandela means to 2 South Africans click here
The human faces of the Congolese 20: 20 victims of a massive scam and kidnapping by South African undercover police. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0524 click here
James Kasongo makes the best potato chips in the world. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0429 click here
Journey to the Gates of Hell. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 0513 click here
The Clean Shop MJoTA 2013 v6n1 p0531 click here
A rhinoceros is a clumsy animal which looks like it forgot to become extinct with the dinosaurs. click here
Son of Congo pleads for help. James Kazongo in Pretoria Central Prison with 19 more Congolese: in early Feb 2013, charged with plotting coup against president of Congo. MJoTA v7n1 p0312 click here
Kabilagate in South Africa: arresting innocent men for the president of the Democratic Republic of Congo because he hates his brother click here
Twenty innocent men charged with planning a coup against the president of Congo: evidence was fabricated click here
Changing currency in South Africa click here
Africa Umoja, Apartheid and Refugees in South Africa. SJ Dodgson. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0616 click here
Helen Suzman managed to stay in parliament in South Africa for 36 years, representing a Johannesburg electorate. From 1953 to 1989 she was the only consistent liberal voice opposing apartheid click here

US Republicans scrubbing to perform major surgery on the Immigration Reform Bill. Richard A King MJoTA 2013 v8n1 p0629 click here

Tales from Antigua: Ghanaian prince declares war, Portugal lays the first foreign wreath, a St Bernard dog on a warm full-moon night  click here
Camden County New Jersey: home to the poorest and most dangerous city in the US (Camden) and a wealthy community (Haddonfield). MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0606 click here
Keeping it real with Adeola click here
Slaving for slaveowners in New York City: 150 years since Emancipation Day MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0102  click here
Australia. SJ Dodgson. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0613.
Australia click here. New Zealand click here.

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Shirley Chisholm click here
Crimea: the jewel of the Black Sea click here Ukraine click here
When Brazil gets into the finals, they are most likely to win the World Cup click here
Tobacco: easy to grow, profitable and is Malawi's main export click here
Adeola: the African family's answer to Jon Stewart click here
Fiction short story click here
Valentine's Day celebration in Philadelphia with South African daughter of Congo, Madeleine Mbiya, and the Salvation Army click here
Evolution: we all started in Africa click here
Every human right is the right of every human click here
Look up at Venus and stop picking on your vulnerable brothers and sisters click here
Martin Luther King jr Day celebrations in Brooklyn and Philadelphia click here
Lawnside, the first town in the northern US incorporated as an African-American community, did not endorse, or vote for, Governor Chris Christie click here
Bridge and Bridget. Why Eddie Rivera thinks a traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge is the beginning of the end for Gov Chris Christie click here
I named myself Susanna, because I loved how Susanna was falsely accused and saved by angels click here.
Son of Jamaica, Harry Belafonte: civil rights activist, proud New Yorker  and performer click here
New York City mayor, Mr Bill de Blasio, sworn in after clock strikes midnight, Jan 01, 2014 click here
NYC Councilmember Jumaane Williams looks after his constituents click here
Positive thinking taught by Jeanine Kazongo click here
When my hat flew off at the Delaware River, I took pictures of it sailing away, and then it came back to me click here
Innocents murdered in Sandy Hook Elementary School by US government refusing to take human-killing-machines out of the hands of the legally insane click here
"It ain't over until God says it's over."  Warriors for peace and justice click here
Quakers & prisons click here
General Emeka Ojuku, who declared the breakaway nation of Biafra because of systematic massacre of Igbos, died Nov 26, 2011. Artist Omenihu Amachi remembers Biafra click here
Son of Puerto Rico Eddie Rivera writes about New Jersey after the 2013 elections click here
Resistance in Nazi Germany displayed at the Aces Museum click here
Peace Corps volunteers work in close to 30 countries across Africa. In agriculture, in education, in health click here
Gambia leaves the Commonwealth of Nations after Philadelphia's African and Caribbean Business Council throws a party for the Minister of Tourism click here
The spirit is the last to go. Or maybe never goes. The music and spirit of Nigerian superstar Sonny Okosuns. click here
Son of Biafra, artist and broadcaster Omenihu Amachi was a little boy during the Biafran War click here
Witness to Innocence: the US must abandon "justifiable homicide" click here
Race relations in Guyana. Lin-Jay Harry-Voglezon click here
The Congressional Black Caucus click here
Civil Society and President Obama explains the plan to give healthcare to all Americans, including those who cannot afford to pay for insurance (the US govt will pay it for you) and those who can pay but refuse (you will pay a tax) click here
Oct 1st 1960: 53 years after the Union Jack was lowered, Nigeria, click here; Cyprus click here
Diwali: festival of lights in Sydney, Australia and in Manhattan, NY click here
Dr Elwood Dunn spoke about Liberia in Liberian Independence Day 2009, and the Philadelphia Commission on African and Caribbean Affairs, chaired by Stan L Straughter, was at the African American Museum of Philadelphia to celebrate,  click here
Hospitals in Kenya click here
MJoTA lights a candle for Nairobi click here
Independent Commission of African Affairs loves African communities everywhere click here
Bibi the IMATT dog click here.
Democratic candidate for the office of public advocate in the city of New York: son of Sierra Leone, Sidique Wai click here
The red house: where a princess died giving birth to her 3rd child, who was still-born click here
International Sierra Leonean philanthropic organization, Tegloma elects a new president in Minnesota click here
Son of Sierra Leone, Sidique Wai, advocates for all in New York. MJoTA v7n1 p0201 click her
Carol Sallymatu Bangura: warrior queen for Sierra Leone. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0625 click here
Shea butter click here
Cigarette smoking is a disease, e-cigarettes need to be regulated click here
West Indian American Day Parade click here

March on Washington August 28, 1963 for human rights, and again, on August 24, 2013 click here

Barbara Buono is a NJ lawyer who was the Majority Leader in the NJ Senate who ran for governor of New Jersey click here.
North to Albany in the subfreezing cold, to hang out with New York State Black politicians click here
Campaign Finance Board of New York City denied mayoral candidate matching funds to John Liu. click here
I like John Liu, because he likes the people of New York. Loves them, probably click here
Analysis of US Supreme Court decisions, Congress votes by son of Barbados Richard A King Esq  click here
"Unity is strength." Audio interview with son of Haiti, Yves Rene, who created the Caribbean Unity Flag click here.
Grieving Trayvon Martin, calling for an end to racial profiling. Yvette D Clarke (Democrat-NY) click here

For once, a good decision from the US Supreme Court allowing federal benefits for same-sex married couples. Richard A King MJoTA 2013 v8n1 p0626 click here

White bread in Lagos. MJoTA 2012 v6n2 p1008 click here
International African Arts Festival in Brooklyn every July 4 click here
Senator Cory Booker congratulations! President Barack Obama, thank you for holding firm against the hostage-takers who tried to blow up America. God bless America. I will never forget. Let's work together to get Barbara Buono elected governor and Milly Silva lieutenant-governor of New Jersey Nov 5, 2013 click here.
The Vice President of Liberia visits New Jersey and Pennsylvania. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0623 click here
If you were waiting for sweeping Immigration Amnesty, don’t worry, all is not lost, get prepared for lesser Immigration Reform bill coming your way. Richard A King Esq. MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p0720 click here
So you thought that Black Boys in America had been removed from the endangered species list? Not so fast, my friend, come to Brooklyn be your own witness. Richard A King Esq. MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p0715 click here
Emigrants and immigrants. Making a fuss. MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p0705 click here
Many more should have been on trial with George Zimmerman. MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p0712click here
Kenyan elections 2013 click here
Wikileaks, freedom of the press, freedom to know what is private and what is public. MJoTA 2013 v7n1 p0623 click here
News from Sweden, plus the story of Count von Rosen in Biafra and Ethiopia click here
Love conquers all. Lack of love kills faster than malaria. 2013 v7n2 p0709 click here
The unbearable tragedy in Arizona: I am hoping for a full investigation. MJoTA 2013. v7n2 p0701 click here
New Jersey State Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver. Sheila Oliver click here.  Camden County, New Jersey click here
Cory Booker, senator from New Jersey click here
New York State Black Caucus Weekend in Albany. MJoTA v7n1 p0219 click here.
The Olympic salute click here
DDT by Andrew Reinhart click here
Bed Stuy Vollies click here
Chasing a golden balloon. God bless the child.  click here
Dr Robin Renée Sanders was American Ambassador to Nigeria 2007 to 2010; Ambassador to Republic of the Congo 2002 to 2005 click here
Americans need federal laws restricting who can buy guns, where they can take them, and how many bullets they can load click here
Guns don't kill many people, bullets kill more. MJoTA v7n1 p0210 click here
Chechnya click here
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