Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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Scam, kidnap by South African police

Scam, kidnap by South African police

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The oldest university in West Africa, Fourah Bay College is on a steep hill overlooking Freetown. Mr Melbourne Garber grew up there, and then went to the UK to train as an engineer for service to his country. But his country's economy collapsed when he was away, and then his country was sucked into the civil war of its neighbor Liberia. Mr Garber works with a team of engineers in Manhattan; one of their projects was the African Burial Ground. Mr Garber told his story at Fordham University on the 50th Anniversary of Sierra Leonean independence. Read his story, click here.
Son of Sierra Leone, Sidique Wai, is the liaison between the New York City Commissioner of Police and the communities of Africans in the 5 boroughs of New York. Consequently, Mr Wai goes to many African events, and other events for immigrants from everywhere, often several in one night.

Because he needs to know the triumphs of the tragedies of immigrants from Africa as they rebuild their lives in America, and in New York.

And he is tireless campaigner for human rights for all immigrants. Below, listen to Mr Wai speak.

Sierra Leone
News feed from UNHCR