Syria: genocide or civil war? SJ Dodgson MJoTA 2013 v7n2 p0830
I listened to the speech of the US Secretary of State, John Kerry. You can too, watch below.
Secretary Kerry told us that the Syrian government is targeting civilians, a lot of kids, in areas that the opposition holds. So this means the opposition is shooting at the government, but the government is causing more damage because they have more and worse weapons and Russia is helping them. I think we all need to picket Russia to get this civil war to stop. Bombing Syria will only piss off the allies of the Syrian government and the crazies who love war.
So why is the government killing its citizens, as it has for 2 years? Secretary Kerry talked about genocide, which is targeted, systematic killing of a group. I am not seeing genocide, I am seeing civil war. But I see so little.
Nasty business. Evil business. I want the killing to stop.